Friday 25 October 2013

I'm a 'fraidy pup

People's I've been in hiding. That's why you haven't seen me around for a while. Feared for my life. And I'm not like the cat...I don't have spare ones!

You'll be wondering what scareded me now, right? Well, as mummy said, 'tis a long and strange tale. Think she was being sarcst...sarcat....starcast...funny, but I'm never sure with her.

So here it is................(putting on story teller hat and crossing my paws)

Once upon a time, one day this summer ago, the 'Uman took me and Jazz for late 'blutions (last walk before bed) on Barrow common. 

'Twas a lovely warm night, 
with no peoples in sight, 
and a ball that was yellow and black. 

The ball flew thru the air,
Parting my hair,
While I chased it and then brought it back.

Out of the corner of my eye,
Movement did I spy,
And curiously I started the chase.

Moving shadow, I thought,
Or a new ball had been brought,
My friends, this wasn't the case.

It was huge, it had horns,
Jumped so high, hid in thorns,
'Til it stopped, looked me right in the eye.

Lowered it's head, pawed the ground,
I saw it pounce, turned around,
I thought this was my final goodbye.

But Merlin be nimble, and Merlin be quick,
And Merlin ran past a really good stick,
Never daring to look back at the monster.

Jazz watched from the grass,
The 'Uman stood at the pass,
From them both I could hear all this laughter.

It's Bambi, she shouted.
Just a deer, she called,
It won't hurt you, you silly old dog.

I felt rather foolish,
But it look scary, and ghoulish,
With that aura of mystical fog.

I feel more than a little bit anxious,
When we drive by I get a little bit nervous,
I'm really just a 'fraidy pup.

But now you know why,
I can't look you in the eye,
If eve you ask me 'what's up?'

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