Thursday 7 March 2013

Wild Camping...

Peoples I am going on an xpedition. I am going peak baggin. Mummy said this is where I conkers lots of mountains at once. To do all the conkerin this time we's gonna build the mini house on top of a couple of mountains.

The picture is me and mummy outside the mini house. It's not very big...and it's not got a bed in it for me, but it's blue like my eyes and mummy's bag. Cos we's staying in the mini house I've 'structed the 'Uman to carry some stuff for me. Us sperienced mini housers call it 'kit'.

Here's my kit list that the 'Uman is carrying for me...
1) Food - very portant.
2) treats - also very portant.
3) My shoes - my plan is to 'forget them' up the mountain.
4) Sleeping mat - for my comfiness after a hard days conkerin.
5) sleeping bag - for me to share wiv Jazz. In case it gets cold.
6) some more treats - I told you they was portant.
7) Jazz's coat - in case I steal all the sleeping bag.
8) Jazz's tablets for her shoulder
9) Some bandages - in case I cuts my feet.
10) my scarf - also blue to match the matching stuf...I mean kit.
11) a towel - so we don't go to bed wet.
12) they went and got me a coat too. Fleecy and a bit snazzy. Wasaaaaay nicerer than Jazz's.

Mummy is carrying some other portant stuff like the mini house, and her sleeping bag, and the stove, and cra...I mean rubbish like that.

She's also taking the posh camera for my of me to follow peoples.

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