Monday, 23 June 2014

I demands a recount peoples!

I might be smilin peoples, but that is just for the camera. Tonight at skool Jazz wonned the 'gility course. She gots the fastest time of evry1. 

And I gots number 4. 

Somfink smells fishi, peoples. Very fishi.

Lets e'zamine the evidens.

1 - Every nite we 'as to 'ave ham. 4 pieces. I sees Mummy addin bits to sum of the ham pieces. I has chekded peoples. My ham is empty. Very, very, EMPTY.

Spicous, I finks.

2 - Every week we 'ave been goin 2 massage. Jazz gets rubbed all over by the nurse while I gets to lie on the floor and be ignoreded. These peoples don't no who I is! This rubbin stuff is sup'osed to be for her afritis. In her shoulder.

Seems, like a condi...dition....fing that would slow her down. Spicous more.

3 - Swimin. Every week for her afritis we has to go to hidroferapi. The lady takes her in a huge bath of clean warm water and makes her swim. I has a go 2, 'cos I is Merlin de First.

Again, this would leads me, Merlin de First, Queen of all I surveys, to fink she be slower...not faster than before. Much spicous. 

So, peoples this is my evidens. Jazz 'as afritis so no ways cud she beats me in a fair race. I read 'bout 'formance e'hancin drugs on the tinterweb, peoples. 

I finks we shud take a close look at that ham. That's all I'm sayin.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014


Peoples, today we has to be nice to my mummy 'cos she is a big riter winna. This morning she woked me up--all singing, it was a bit scary cos she's normally sleep till lunch time even when she's walking around--and tolded me that she wonded a lamba ward for cleva riters.

It's for her book called Clean Slate and she's ded proud of it. She told me it was about a lady who losted her memry and thinked she was a kid agen. It's got some funni bits in it. Made me laff and stuff...don't tell mummy but I didn't get the big words she used sumtimes. But she haves me a link to the ward tinterweb site.

It's big stuffs...parently

I fink I wants a lamba chop ward when I grow up...mmmmm, lamb....

*aside note from Merlin's mother --it's called a Lambda Literary Award for best Lesbian Romance. My novel Clean Slate was the winner. Thanks for the shout out, get your paws off my phone and go play with your ball!*

She obvisly doesn't know who I am, peoples.

Sunday, 18 May 2014


Peoples I has only just recoved. Yes'erday, Mummy and the 'Uman took us somewhere new. Somewhere I had neva beened befores. We Wentz to Bawsey Pits. Don't know whys it's called that funni name, but it is, and it was sandy, and there was an 'uge big mastatif lake that I went to sit in and cool down. 
That's me...sittin in the water. But that's when I seed it. The MONSTA! It was huge - must 'ave taked up the whole lake underwater but I was supa-pooch. Oh yes. I can hear you laffin, so knock it off. I was very, very, very, very, supa-brave and went exploratising the MONSTA! 




Invet...inved..inverest...checking it out.

That's it from Merlin, de first. Still the Queen of all she sees.