People's, I has told you before about my school where I shot through all the beginner classes wiv ease. I started wiv the 'eveyone can turn up and run wild' class. I was a star there. Then I moved on to the 'you have to know what a jump and a tunnel is' class. I was a star there 2. Then I moved on to the 'spaniel' class. I was out numbered but still a star. Now people's, I has found my rightful place. I has moved up in the word and graduated to...
Collie Class.
Oh yes, I have gotten access. I am 'ceppted into the Collie Hall of Fame and the Inner Circle of Collieness. I am CC registered with the High Shepherd of Collistinction.
My Collie Class has flyball and agility in it all at the same time. Very special and requ..rekuir...needs a lot of special 'tention and skills. Collie's are 'specially good at this.
Mr. Martin--my teacer--says I is a dream dog to work and that I has 'tential. I likes Mr. Martin. He' a Collie man and a direct 'scendant of the High Shepherd line.
Collie Class has rules, peoples. You must keep these to self...
Rule 1. No Spaniels allowed in Collie Class.
Rue 2. No Spaniels allowed in Collie Class.
Rule 3. None Collie's in Collie Class must accet the rule of Collieness.
Rule 4. No telling Spaniels about Collie Class.
Rule 5. Merlin de First rules. Thank you, please.
That is all peoples. Goodbye.