Friday, 19 July 2013

A'venturising with Mummy and the 'Uman

People's I've been on 'oliday. I tooks Mummy and the 'Uman to a place called York Shire Dales. It's pritty--like me--and got lumpy bits--like Jazz. It fits us.

We stayed in the collapsible house again that Mummy calls a tent, but it was a bigger one this time, and Mummy 'sembled it straight from the car. She didn't have to lug it up a blumin mountain again and let the 'Uman get frost bites--not like last time.

The house lived right next to a river, which was really, really cool, peoples. It meant that I could go and cool off from the hotness whenever I felt like it. Just climbed down the bank and went for a swim, or a paddle if I only wanted to cool off my tootsies. Mummy even dividesed a fridge in the river...sort of. She put the 'Uman's beers, some other drinks, butter and stuff in her dry bag and sealeded it up. The she tied a rope around it, tied it to a tree and dangled the bag in the river, where the water was chilly. The 'Uman called her Bear Gryhls then...I don't understand, but I wasn't going to tell the 'Uman that! 'Specially when it turned out that the 'Uman hadn't packed the right gas for the new campy cooker she had brought. Mummy had to cook right over the fire instead. Sometimes, peoples, I has to shake my head at the 'Uman.

We did a new a'venture fing this time called Gorge Walking. Now, I don't know exactly it's called this but I fink it's  because all Mummy and the 'Uman kept saying while they was walking and swimming down the river was 'Oh it's gorgeous'. So maybe it's short for Gorgeous Walking...don't know.

So the Gorgeous Walking meant we could go climbing up and down the rocks with the water falling off them.

See? Gorgeous.

On the first day, Mummy and the 'Uman came in the water in swimming cozzies. The 'Uman said that she was getting frost bites again on different places to last time and the next day they wored wetsuits for the Gorgeous Walking. Wusses. I just went in in my fur.

Mummy tooked lots--and I do mean lots--of pictures with her camera. Some are really nice, and then she took some that aren't...erm...quite so nice.

This is the 'Uman from underwater. Mummy was being...erm...creative.
So back to me. I proved my swimming championshipness by racing the 'Uman for the stick in the water. I even gaved her a head start as I am 'ceptional. I call this video 'Uman versus Merlin de First, Queen of all her lands and must be obeyed. But I gives you all permission to watch it.
I think, peoples, I have found my Olympic sport.
There are more photopictures of my a'venturing on my facebook page. Mummy posted them before I could get to the laptop.
Bye for now, peoples, more to follow. Thank you please. Merlin de First, over and out.